Cinema Anand, located in Triolet is a childhood favorite cinema for several Mauritians.
Many fondly recall spending moments after school or in the evening watching animated or Bollywood movies. The cinema was unfortunately closed due to several renovations that had to be carried out, but it has now reopened to the public with modern and improved facilities.
Anyone who loves movies or simply looking for entertainment, will be delighted that they can see their favorite movies and Bollywood stars once again. Cinema Anand mainly showcases the latest Bollywood releases and the screenings are scheduled at 13h00, 16h15 and 20h15.
The movie theatre has been upgraded to accommodate around 300 people with brand new seats, ample leg room, air conditioning and a great sound system. Cinema Anand is the perfect place for those in the northern regions looking to watch movies, whilst in comfort. Situated in Triolet, one of the busiest and the longest villages on the island, you are sure to have a great time, whilst also bumping into a few friends.