Le Voyage en pyjama - Poster

Le Voyage en pyjama

Comedy, Drama, Romance
1 h 29 min
Alexandre Lafaurie, Constance Labbé, Lolita Chammah
Pascal Thomas


Victor, a forty-something literature teacher on vacation and amateur forecaster at Météo-France, is a feu-follet, a sympathetic dilettante who lets himself live with the wind, alongside his partner, Anne, who is beginning to tire of it. In this road-movie in the form of a sentimental chronicle, both burlesque and melancholy, he takes a tour of the places of his past. He meets up with “what’s become” of his friends. Above all, he meets his former companions. They all miss him, but they also have something to reproach him for: perhaps because they loved too much this kind, dreamy, unpredictable and above all elusive man… Who knows?

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